Sunday, January 9, 2011

Healthy Hair and Hairstyles

Keeping your hair healthy is a full time job. There are so many products that claim to keep hair full of life, healthy, and shiny. But these products are usually over priced and fall short of what they advertise to do. With knowing these facts, why do we still spend tons of money on these expensive hair care products? Chances are because we are set in our ways and too lazy to change our habits.

Since the recession has hit, we have all been forced to cutback. The easiest place to start with is in the home, specifically with hair products. There are numerous ways to reduce the cost of taking care of your hair and maintaining its healthy look. Here are 7 cheap tips for hairstyles and healthy hair:
Difficulty: Easy


  1. Choose hairstyles and haircuts that will last between your next trip to the hair dresser
  2. Make your shampoo last longer. Don't throw out your shampoo bottle that you think is empty because chances are you still have a few washes left in it. Fill the bottle with water and use it until you are sure it is empty.
  3. Collect complimentary shampoos/conditioners.
  4. Stay away from perm and dye bottles. I know it's easier said then done. Try braiding your hair before you go to sleep that will give you extra body and waves for the morning. And if you cant seem to stay away from the bleach-try highlights instead, which you can easily do without going to the hairdresser.
  5.  Make your own hair-detangling product. Recycle an empty hair spray bottle and use 1 part conditioner and fill the rest with water.
  6. If you have dry/coarse hair, try rinsing it with beer.
  7. Use honey. Honey is a great natural product that leaves hair healthy and shiny. Just be sure to rinse it out thoroughly.